How did I fix a bug in kubuntu installer?

I installed Kubuntu 13.04 and the found the installer has some issues related to the text displayed.

Here is a sample bug.

Currently the slide says: works with documents from other popular office applications include WordPerfect and Microsoft Office.

If I’m not mistaken, this should be: works with documents from other popular office applications including WordPerfect and Microsoft Office.


This seems simple.
The fix is just a change of a word in a HTML file.

Let me try to fix it.

First we need a account.
I have it already,

I installed bzr in my kubuntu using

sudo apt-get install bzr

I logged into launchpad in terminal.

bzr launchpad-login
bzr whoami “Shrinivasan <tshrinivasan>”

We have to create a ssh public key and import that to launchpad.

Follow these steps:

  1. Run ssh-keygen -t rsa
  2. Open .ssh/ using a text editor (gedit will do)
  3. Copy the entire contents of the file (one very long line).
  4. Open on your browser
  5. Under “Add an SSH key”, paste the line from step 3, then click on “Import Key”.

Then, branch the repo into a local folder.

mkdir ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu
cd ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu
bzr branch lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu trunk

Enter passphrase for key ‘/home/shrinivasan/.ssh/id_rsa’:
Branched 564 revisions.

It will take a while to run.
It is downloading all the code the local folder named “trunk”.

This will give folder named trunk.

create another local branch to apply the fix.

bzr branch trunk 665632-fix-grammar-office-file
Branched 564 revisions.

Now go to that folder.

cd 665632-fix-grammar-office-file
vim slideshows/kubuntu/slides/office.html

replace the word “includes” with “including” in line number 10


check the modified files using the following command.

bzr status




Now, commit the changes.
Remember these commit are local only.

Remember to add –fixes lp:<bug-id>


bzr commit -m “Fixed a grammer mistake in slideshows/kubuntu/slides/office.html” –fixes lp:665632



The output is like this.

modified po/edubuntu/slideshow-edubuntu.pot
modified po/kubuntu/slideshow-kubuntu.pot
modified po/lubuntu/slideshow-lubuntu.pot
modified po/oem-config-ubuntu/slideshow-oem-config-ubuntu.pot
modified po/ubuntu/slideshow-ubuntu.pot

modified po/ubuntu-gnome/slideshow-ubuntu-gnome.pot
modified po/ubuntustudio/slideshow-ubuntustudio.pot
modified po/xubuntu/slideshow-xubuntu.pot
modified slideshows/kubuntu/slides/office.html
Committed revision 565.

Now, publish the changes to launchpad, by creating a new branch of the project in our own space.

bzr push lp:~shrini/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/fix-for-665632


Enter passphrase for key ‘/home/shrinivasan/.ssh/id_rsa’:
Using default stacking branch /+branch-id/48860 at chroot-67748816:///~shrini/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/
Created new stacked branch referring to /+branch-id/48860.

Now check the link in the browser.

there, we can request for merging with the main code.

Click the link “propose for merging“.
In the next page, give a discription as

Fixed a grammer mistake in slideshows/kubuntu/slides/office.html –fixes lp:665632

So that the maintainer can see the comment and merge it with the main project sourcecode.

Read these links too

Thanks for the -devel team. in

particularly for shadeslayer and Riddell for their patience on answering flood of questions from me.

Hope we can fix simple bugs in the ubuntu related projects using these steps.

6 thoughts on “How did I fix a bug in kubuntu installer?

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  2. Pingback: Links 12/7/2013: Seth Vidal (Yum Entrepreneur) Killed, Snowden Accepts Asylum | Techrights

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